The AAA Outdoor Boiler is a unique 120-gallon capacity outdoor boiler, used for creating a cost- & fuel-efficient outdoor heating system. This Outdoor boiler is able to heat up to 3000 square feet and it may be used together with your currently installed indoor heating system. Reburn R-120 outdoor boiler uses either wood or coal. Boiler's firebox has to be filled only every 12 hours, so there is no need for more maintenance.
Buy Reburn R-120 Outdoor Boiler and You will get:
- 120-gallon capacity gasification boiler;
- Able to use wood or coal as a fuel;
- Thick and strong firebox (0,25 inches);
- Boiler can handle wood up to 3ft. long: forget about axes and wood shredders;
- Fill firebox every 12 hr, no more maintenance required!